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Location in desktop browser: Left menu > Admin  > Preferences > Settings > General panel on the Settings page

Location on mobile device: Bottom of page > More > Admin > Preferences > Settings > General panel on the Settings page

! Important: Setting changes take effect after you click or tap the Update Group button at the bottom of the page.

Group Title

In this field, enter a short, descriptive title that will be displayed on the group’s home page in Groups.io along with the group’s email address. This title is also displayed in the dropdown list of groups when you click or tap Your Groups in the blue header bar on group pages. In addition, the title is displayed next to the group name (email address) in the directory of publicly listed groups if you opt to list your group there.

This field is optional, but it is good practice to provide a descriptive group title.

Tip: If you want to promote your group, use appropriate keywords in the group title or group description so the group can be found easily in the public directory of groups. 

Group Email Address

This field contains the group name (email address) you entered when you created the group. If you decide to change that email address, make the change in this field.

Note: Be aware that changing the email address also changes the URL of your group on the Groups.io website.

Tip: The ideal time to change the group’s email address is as soon as possible after you create the group—before you create member notices, customize the message footer and other elements, and add members to the group. If you decide to change the email address after a group is well established, additional considerations apply. See Renaming a group.

Group Description

In this field, which is optional, you can enter a description of the group that will appear on the group’s home page. If your group is listed in the public directory, the first few lines of this description will be included under the group’s name and title in the directory.

Tip: If you want to promote your group, use appropriate keywords in the group title or the first few lines of the group description so the group can be found easily in the public directory of groups. 

You can include text formatting and links in the description. To see all of the formatting tools in a desktop browser, click the More options icon (...) on the left in the text formatting toolbar. On a mobile device, all of the text formatting options are on the toolbar, and you can touch and scroll to display them.

Subject Tag

This field contains text that is automatically added to the beginning of the subject line of group messages that are delivered by email. The tag helps identify the group’s messages in members’ email applications.

The default tag is the name (email address) that was entered when the group was created, enclosed in square brackets. You can edit that tag (for example, to make it shorter or clearer). Changes to the subject tag do not affect the group’s email address.


  • Subject tags are not displayed in messages in the archive on the group’s website. They are included only in messages that are delivered by email.
  • If a group is renamed, the subject tag is not changed automatically. You must update the tag manually. See Renaming a group.


If you want to list an external website on your group’s home page at Groups.io, you can enter that website’s URL in this field. The URL will be listed as a link in the Group Information section on the Groups.io home page for your group.

Allow Sponsorships

Select this checkbox if you want to allow group members to contribute toward Groups.io hosting fees. This setting displays a Sponsor This Group button on the group’s home page, which members can click to contribute (via credit card, debit card, or PayPal) toward the cost of hosting the group. For more information, see Using the sponsorship feature to defray Groups.io hosting costs.

Additional Payment Information

In this text box, you can enter any additional information you would like to include in group invoices and payment receipts.

Updated: March 10, 2025