Enterprise groups have an additional entry, Enterprise Settings, on the group home page that you see when you are logged in to Groups.io.
Select Enterprise Settings to display the Enterprise Settings page, which contains these Enterprise-specific settings:
- Website panel:
- Enterprise Title
In this field, enter a title for your Enterprise group. This title is used on the group’s website to reference the enterprise.
- Google Analytics Code
If you want to use Google Analytics to collect data from your group’s website, enter the Google Analytics tracking code in this field.
- Login Page Text
If you want to replace the standard text provided by Groups.io at the bottom of the login page, enter the replacement text in this field.
- No Account Text
If you want to replace the standard text provided by Groups.io on the “send login link” page, enter the replacement text in this field.
- Disable Signup
Select this checkbox to prevent anyone who is not logged in to the group from registering through the group’s website or accessing any of the group’s web pages.
- Disable +1 Functionality
Select this checkbox to disable the automatic conversion of “+1” email messages to likes. (For information on likes, see Using the Like feature.)
- Enterprise Title
- Member Defaults panel:
- Language Preference
Select the default language in which the group website and notifications will be displayed.
- Timezone
From the list, select the default timezone to use for displaying times on the group’s website. This timezone is applied to the accounts of users who simply register on the Enterprise domain and to those who join the group and register at the same time.
Note: A change to this setting applies only to the accounts of new users of Groups.io; existing group members’ accounts are not affected.
- Language Preference
- Single Sign On panel (specify these settings if you are going to use Single Sign On [SSO] for your group):
- Provider
Select your SSO provider from the list. The options are:
- Test
- Auth0
- YourMembership
- ClubExpress
- NoviAMS
- MiniOrange/Wordpress
- Login Options
Select the option you want to apply:
- Only Allow Logging In via SSO
- Allow Logging In via SSO for Moderators Only
- Client ID
Enter the client ID supplied by your SSO provider.
- Client Secret
Enter the client secret supplied by your SSO provider.
- YourMembership Client ID
If YourMembership is your SSO provider, enter your Client ID, which is found in the REST API Configuration Details.
- Domain
Enter the domain supplied by your SSO provider.
- Provider
! Important: After you enter or change settings on the Enterprise Settings page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Update Settings button to save the settings.
- For the SSO callback URL, use https://groups.io/ssologin.
- If you enable Single Sign On and you need to bypass it for logging in, go to https://groups.io/login?nosso=1 to log in normally.