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© 2025

About the group owner email address

Each group in has an owner email address, which is in this form:


The owner email address and other group email addresses are listed on the group’s home page.

Messages that are sent to the owner email address include automatic notices about pending group members and pending messages that need approval.

Owners and moderators have subscription options to control whether they receive messages that are sent to the owner email address. Owners can set these options for moderators and other owners that they add to the group, but moderators and other owners can change their individual subscription options (see Owner email setting).

Receiving and viewing messages sent to the owner email address

Email messages sent to the group owner email address are delivered to the email addresses that owners, and moderators who receive owner emails, use to log in to the group.

On the group’s website, you can use any of these methods to view messages that were sent to the owner email address:

  • Go to the group’s activity log. In the Actions list on the Activity page, scroll down to and select Message to +owner. Then click or tap Search to display a list of messages that have been sent to the owner email address.
  • Display a member’s record. Click or tap the +owner Messages button to list any messages that member has sent to the owner email address.

Sending messages from the owner email address

If you want to send a message to a member (or members) that comes from the group owner email address rather than from your personal email address, you can do so from the group's website:

  1. Display the member list and select the checkbox in the row of the member you want to send the message to. You can select more than one member.
  2. Go to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Actions button, then select Send Message. The Post to Member page appears.
  3. Above the Subject field, click or tap your profile name and select Send from group owner address from the dropdown list.
  4. Use one of these methods to compose the message:
    • Complete the Subject field, and enter the body of the message. 
    • If your group has a Message to Member notice set up (or more than one), use the Notices list under the message box to select the Message To Member notice you want to send. The notice’s subject is added to the Subject field, and the content of the notice is added to the message body. You can customize the subject and the message body for this one-time use if desired. Any customizations will not be saved to the notice.
  5. If you want to send a blind copy of the message to your personal email address or to the other moderators (or both), select the applicable checkbox.
  6. Click or tap the Send to Member button. (It is labeled Send to Members if you are sending the message to more than one member.) You return to the group’s home page, where a banner states that the message has been sent.


  • Messages sent this way will have the group’s message footer.
  • Be aware that any replies a member sends will go to all owners and moderators who receive messages that are sent to the owner email address.
  • You can send messages from the owner address only from the group’s website, not through email.

Replying from the owner email address

If you want to reply to an existing message from the owner email address rather than from your personal email address, you can do so from the group’s website. When you are replying to a message on the website, click or tap your profile name above the To field and select Send from group owner address from the dropdown list.

Note: You can reply from the owner email address only from the group’s website, not through email. Also, replies sent from the owner address will have the group’s message footer.