Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains Upgrading or downgrading groups billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup
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© 2025

If you have a paid Premium or Enterprise group and you decide you want to downgrade it to a lower or free plan:

  1. Desktop browser: On the left menu at the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesBilling.
    Mobile browser: Tap the More icon at the bottom of a group page, then select Admin > PreferencesBilling on the More menu.
    Restriction: In the mobile app, the Billing entry is not available due to rules imposed by Google Play and the Apple App Store. Therefore, on a mobile device, you must use a browser to downgrade the plan.
  2. On the Billing page that appears, in the Current Plan panel, click or tap the View/Change Plan button (in a desktop browser, it is at the upper right).
    Note: You must be the payer for the group for this button to be visible. For more information about group payers, see billing.
  3. On the Upgrade page that appears, click or tap the Downgrade button for the plan you want to downgrade to.
  4. Follow the subsequent instructions.

The downgrade will take effect after the currently paid period ends. At that time, the group will lose the features that are specific to its previous plan type (see the Plans and Pricing page). For example, if you downgrade a Premium group to a Free group:

  • The storage space allocation goes from 30 GB to 1 GB.
  • Any subgroups are locked.
    Exception: If your group was created before January 15, 2020, subgroups will remain accessible because Free groups created before that date were able to have subgroups. (This exception applies to Free groups created before January 15, 2020 that were upgraded either before or after that date as well as to Premium groups created before that date.)
  • All features become unavailable except those related to sending and managing messages. However, nothing is deleted in case you decide to upgrade again in the future.
    Exception: If your group was created before August 24, 2020, the downgraded Free group will retain the calendar, chat, database, member directory, files, photos, poll, and wiki features.
  • If the group was created after February 8, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. U.S. Pacific Time and gained more than 100 members, no one else can join the group unless the member list is reduced to fewer than 100 members or the group is upgraded again.