Introduction to for group owners Creating a group Promoting your group Group aliases Renaming a group Changing the group's cover photo and icon Pinning topics and wiki pages Locking and unlocking groups and subgroups Banning or unbanning domains billing Exporting or downloading your group’s data Deleting a group or subgroup Enterprise group features
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© 2025

Restriction: This feature is available only in Enterprise groups.

A custom logo graphic for the group's website must meet these requirements:

  • Be in PNG format
  • Have a transparent background
  • Look good on a dark-colored background
  • Have dimensions of 400 pixels wide x 100 pixels high 

Enterprise groups can also change the header and footer graphics that appear in digest and summary emails. Those graphics must meet these requirements:

  • Be in JPEG format
  • For a header, have dimensions of 800 pixels wide x 93 pixels high
  • For a footer, have dimensions of 800 pixels wide x 86 pixels high

To have a custom logo, header, and footer graphic added to your Enterprise group, email the image files to Support.