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If you make an error (such as a typo) when you change the email address for your Groups.io account, you can try these steps to recover your account and correct the email address:

Note: These steps assume that you have a password set for your Groups.io account.

  1. Log out of your Groups.io account.
  2. Log in to Groups.io using the misspelled email address and your original password—that is, the one associated with your correct email address.
    Note: You cannot use the “Email me a link to log in” option on the Log In page because the link will be sent to the misspelled email address, which presumably does not exist (or possibly could belong to someone else).
  3. Go to your Groups.io account settings and change the email address to the correct one.

Tip: If you are not sure what the misspelled email address is (for example, you do not remember what the typo was) so you can enter it in step 2 above, you can try contacting the owner of a group you belong to and asking them to tell you what email address is associated with your membership. Send an email to groupname+owner@groups.io (substituting the actual group’s name for groupname). If the group is a Premium or Enterprise group, you could ask the group’s owner to correct your email address for you. In Free groups, owners cannot change members’ email addresses.

Updated: March 10, 2025