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About Groups.io logins

To use any of the web-based features and have access to all the content of groups you belong to, you must be logged in to your Groups.io account. You can log in to your account using any of the methods listed below.

You can be logged in to your Groups.io account on multiple devices at the same time. You do not need to log out on one device before you log in on another one.

Logging in without setting a password

Groups.io does not require group members to set account passwords. If you create an account but do not set a password at that time, you can have Groups.io email you a link that you can use to log in to your account. The login is valid for up to 30 days if cookies are retained on that device (see the note below).

To log in to your Groups.io account using an emailed link:

  1. In a web browser, go to https://groups.io/sendloginlink.
  2. In the Email Address field, enter the email address of the account you want to log in to.
  3. Click or tap the Email me a link to log in button.
  4. When you receive the email message (the subject is “Link to log into Groups.io”), click or tap the login link provided in the message. You are logged in to Groups.io, and your Groups.io home page is displayed on the website.
    ! Important: The login link in the email message expires after 24 hours.  

After you log in to your Groups.io account on a particular device or browser, you stay logged in for at least 30 days. The login period is managed by a cookie stored in your browser. If your browser or device does not accept cookies, you will not be able to use individual group websites except to browse public areas.


  • The login cookie expires in 30 days, but each visit to a group website extends the 30-day timeout period.
  • If you delete your browser cookies (or your security software deletes them), you will be logged out.
  • If your browser is set to delete cookies on exit, you will be logged out.
  • If your browser is set to Private Browsing, you must log in again.

Logging in with your email address and password

If you set a password for your Groups.io account, you will not have to deal with your login cookie expiring every 30 days. For instructions, see Setting, changing, or deleting your password.

To log in to your account with your email address and password:

  1. Go to the Groups.io website or open the mobile app, and click or tap the Log In link at the top right of the blue page header.
    • On a mobile device, use landscape orientation to see the Log In link. Or in portrait orientation, tap your profile picture (or the generic profile icon if you have not set a picture) on the right side of the blue page header and then select Log In from the dropdown menu. 
    • You can use this link to go directly to the login page: https://groups.io/login 
  2. On the resulting login page, enter your email address and password.
  3. Click or tap the Log In button.

Logging in through Facebook or Google

Restriction: In the Groups.io mobile app, it is not possible to log in through Facebook or Google due to rules imposed by the Apple App Store and Google Play. To log in through Facebook or Google on a mobile device, use a mobile browser.

If you have a Facebook or Google account and prefer to log in to Groups.io through that account:

  1. Go to the Groups.io website and click or tap the Log In link at the top right of the blue page header. 
    • In a mobile browser, use landscape orientation to see the Log In link. Or in portrait orientation, tap your profile picture (or the generic profile icon if you have not set a picture) on the right side of the blue page header and then select Log In from the dropdown menu. 
    • You can use this link to go directly to the login page: https://groups.io/login 
  2. On the resulting login page, click or tap the Log In with Facebook button or the Log In with Google button, as applicable.

Note: You might need to enable the setting in your Groups.io account that allows you to log in through Facebook or Google. See Setting or changing your social login preference.

Updated: March 10, 2025