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Premium and Enterprise groups (plus Free groups that existed before January 15, 2020, 9:00 a.m. U.S. Pacific Time) can have subgroups. A subgroup is a group within another group and contains a subset of the members of the parent (main) group.

Subgroups have all the functionality of normal groups, but for you to be a member of a subgroup, you must first be a member of the parent group. If you join a group that has subgroups, the group’s owner or moderator will determine whether to include you as a member of any subgroups and invite or add you to them accordingly. You also might be allowed to join a subgroup on your own, depending on the group’s settings.

Note: If you receive an invitation to join a subgroup and you are not a member of the parent group, you will be added to the parent group automatically when you accept the subgroup invitation.

Related help topic

  1. About subgroups