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Location in desktop browser: Left menu > Subscription > Settings > Moderator Notifications panel on Subscription page
Location on mobile device: Bottom of page > More icon > Subscription > Settings > Moderator Notifications panel on Subscription page
Restriction: The Moderator Notifications panel appears only if you are an owner or moderator of the group.
! Important: When you finish making your selections, scroll to the bottom of the page and click or tap the Save button.
For each activity type listed on the Moderator Notifications panel, use the associated dropdown list to select your preferred notification method for that activity:
- Email and web/app
When the activity occurs, you receive both an email notification and a web/app notification (if you have enabled web/app notifications in your account). This method is the default.
- Email only
When the activity occurs, you receive only an email notification.
- Web/App only
When the activity occurs, you receive only a web/app notification.
- None
You receive no notification of any kind when the activity occurs.
- To receive web/app notifications, you must enable them in your account. For more information, see Enabling or disabling web/app notifications.
- Email notifications sent to moderators as a result of their Moderator Notifications settings do not include system hashtags.
- With email notifications, a delay of 4 to 8 minutes occurs between when the action is taken and when the corresponding email notification is delivered. This delay allows the system to combine multiple actions of the same type that occur within a short period of time into a single notification, which prevents a barrage of individual email notifications.
- Web/app notifications are always sent individually; they are not delayed or combined.
- If you are the one who performs an activity that you have chosen to be notified about, you will not receive a web/app notification or email notification for it.
Exceptions:- If an unauthorized (spam) unsubscription occurs, you will receive a web/app notification if you were unsubscribed as a result.
- You will receive a web/app notification about reaching the group’s storage limit even if your upload or post was the one that caused the limit to be reached.
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