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All groups have several standard email addresses to which group members can send empty email messages for different purposes. Through these email addresses, members can join or leave the group or change certain subscription options by email instead of having to go to the group’s website.

! Important: After someone sends a message to most of these email addresses, they receive a confirmation request message from Groups.io. They must respond to that confirmation request to complete the requested action.

Note: Substitute the group’s actual name for groupname in the addresses.

Members use this address: To:
groupname+subscribe@groups.io Join a group.
groupname+unsubscribe@groups.io Leave (unsubscribe from) a group.
groupname+help@groups.io Receive an email message containing a list of these addresses.

Note: A confirmation request message is not sent in this case.

groupname+help@groups.io Receive plain-format digests instead of individual messages.
groupname+fulldigest@groups.io Receive full-featured digests instead of individual messages.
groupname+summary@groups.io Receive a daily summary instead of individual messages.
groupname+single@groups.io Receive individual messages instead of a summary or digest.
groupname+special@groups.io Receive only special notices.
groupname+nomail@groups.io Stop receiving messages by email. (You can still read messages on the group's website.)
groupname+owner@groups.io Contact the group owners.

Note: A confirmation request message is not sent in this case.

Updated: March 10, 2025