! Important: Renaming a group changes the group's email address and URL. If you want to rename your group, you should try to do it before the group has a large number of members and messages. 

Be aware of the effects of renaming your group:

  • Members’ subscriptions to the group will not be affected, but members will have to:
    • Update their email address books to send to the new group email address.
    • Update their browser bookmarks or favorites to the new group URL.
  • Groups.io does not parse existing group content for group-related links and update them to the new URL. Therefore, many links to group content in the message archive, on your group’s home page, and in your group’s wiki (if it has one) will likely result in “page not found” messages. The group’s reply-to address and many of the links in group message footers will also be affected.
  • Members who have subscribed to the group calendar from their email client or an external calendar (for example, Google Calendar) will need to update that subscription because the group calendar’s URL will change.
  • Several member notices contain the group name in the subject and message text when they are generated. You will need to manually update those notices.
  • The group’s subject tag is not updated automatically. You will need to update it manually on the group’s Settings page.

To rename your group:

  1. Display the group’s Settings page. See General settings.
  2. In the General panel:
    • Change the Group Title and Group Email Address fields as desired.
    • Update the Subject Tag field to reflect the new name.
  3. If applicable, in the Message Formatting panel, update the Message Footer field to reflect the new name.
  4. Click or tap the Update Group button at the bottom of the page.


  • It might take some time for the renamed group to function normally because, due to the subdomain addressing used by Groups.io, any change to the root email address has to be propagated through the DNS entries so the new URL of the group resolves into an IP address. This process can take several hours.
  • Renaming your main group also changes the URL of any associated subgroups.